ABB Robots + Rapid = Endless Possibilities

Beytullah Soylev
4 min readAug 24, 2024


What is Rapid? Known as the language for ABB robots, Rapid is a high-level programming language used to manage automation processes in industries. With this language, robots can be programmed to perform complex movements and interact with the external world.

Integration with ABB Robots Rapid works directly with ABB robots, allowing you to easily access all robot features and develop complex applications.

Industrial Applications Rapid is primarily used in industries such as automotive, electronics, food, and pharmaceuticals. Robots programmed with Rapid are employed in various production processes like welding, painting, and assembly.

Variables and Data Types

  • Why Use Variables? Variables are containers used to store values that will be used in our program. For example, a robot’s movement speed or the weight of a part can be stored in variables.
  • Data Types: The primary data types in Rapid are:
  • Numbers: Integers and real numbers
  • Text: Called strings, and written within double quotes
  • Logical Values: Can be either TRUE or FALSE


  • Arithmetic Operators: Used for basic mathematical operations like +, -, *, /.
  • Comparison Operators: Used to compare values, such as == (equal to), != (not equal to), > (greater than), < (less than).
  • Logical Operators: Used for logical operations like AND, OR, NOT.

Control Structures

  • If-Else: Executes different code blocks based on whether a certain condition is met.
  • While: Repeats a code block as long as the specified condition is true.
  • For: Executes a code block a specific number of times.

Functions and Modules

  • Function: Used to avoid code repetition, improve readability, and make the program modular.
  • Module: Groups related functions and procedures together in large projects, improving code organization.
Robot Axes

Coordinate Systems

  • Why Important? Different reference points are used to define the robot’s position and movements.
  • Tool: References the center of the robot’s end effector (e.g., welding torch).
  • World: References the environment where the robot is located.
  • User: A custom coordinate system defined by the user.

Example: When a robot welds a part, the position of the welding torch (tool) is crucial.

Movement Commands and Details

  • MoveL, MoveC, MoveJ: Fundamentals of Robot Movements
  • MoveL (Linear Move): Moves the robot in a straight line between two points. Used for picking, placing, or reaching a specific point.
  • MoveC (Circular Move): Moves the robot in a circular path between two points. Used for circular welding, drilling, or cutting.
  • MoveJ (Joint Move): Moves the robot’s joints to transition from one point to another. Used to avoid obstacles or increase accessibility.
MoveL & MoveJ

Joint and Linear Movements:

  • Joint Movement: Each robot joint rotates to a specified angle. Controlled by the MoveJ command.
  • Linear Movement: The robot’s end point moves along a straight line in space. Controlled by the MoveL command.
  • Path Planning: Used to make the robot move in complex shapes. Enables the robot to follow a defined path. Essential for continuous movement applications like welding and painting.

Zone Concept and Usage:

  • Zone: A virtual area defined in the robot’s workspace.


  • Safety: Prevents the robot from exiting a specific area.
  • Workspace Limitation: Ensures the robot works only in a designated area.
  • Collision Prevention: Avoids collisions with other equipment or humans.

Example Scenario Imagine a robot welding a door handle in an automotive factory.

  • MoveL: Brings the robot with the welding torch to the starting point of the door handle.
  • MoveC: Performs a circular movement with the welding torch to complete the weld.
  • MoveJ: Moves the robot’s joints to a new position to avoid obstacles after the welding process.
My Rapid Code & Gofa

Conclusion Rapid plays a significant role in industrial automation. It allows robots to perform more complex and precise tasks, optimizing production processes. This blog post has covered the fundamental concepts of Rapid and robot movements.

“The harder you work for something, the greater you’ll feel when you achieve it.” — Pele

Have a nice reading!



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